Saturday, December 23, 2006

Targeted Web Traffic---How To Get Targeted Web Traffic To Your Website

Everyone who has a website knows that to have sales you must have traffic, or what some people refer to as visitors. Having traffic is good, but having targeted web traffic is a whole lot better!

How To Get Targeted Web Traffic To Your Website

What is Targeted Traffic?

It is simply visitors to your website that have an interest in what your website topic is about. For instance, people interested in buying coins will find coin websites on the web interesting.

On the other hand suppose our guy, Joe, who has an interest in coins likes to browse around the Internet looking for specific coins for his coin collection. Makes sense, right?

Well, suppose Joe clicked on a link while browsing and ended up at your beauty salon site. Joe has no interest in beauty products and could really care less, so clicks off your site as quickly as possible. This is called traffic, but it is in no way targeted web traffic.

Targeted Web Traffic is all about finding the people who have an interest in your topic or product.

How do I get targeted traffic, I can hear you asking?

The following are proven and tested methods for getting targeted web traffic:

LINKING. Contact website owners that have similar, but not competitive websites to yours, and ask them for a reciprocal link from their website to yours. Be sure to select your link partners with care. You want to match closely your customer's profile.

FORUMS. Subscribe to forums that discuss your topic of interest. Answer questions and join in the discussions. This is called becoming an expert in your chosen field (or topic). People will see you as an expert by the posts you make on the forum. This is a great way to drive targeted traffic to your website as each post you make will include a signature file which will have a link to your website.

Each post or reply you write on the forum should have a discreet link to your website in the signature file.

What can be placed in your signature is often determined by the forum moderators. Keep in mind: do not spam the forum or you will be kicked off and no longer be able to post comments.

This is one of the most productive ways of getting free traffic to your website as those who click your link already have an interest.

VIRAL MARKETING: E-Books: often used, these are usually free informational books for your visitors that all who receive them can also give away freely. Since you will have links inside the ebook to your website or affiliate products it's a win-win situation.

NEWSLETTERS. When people visit your website you can offer something of value for free if they sign up to your newsletter (like a mini e-Book). Your newsletter should be written tightly geared towards your website topic. It should be published regularly at weekly or bi-weekly intervals.

ARTICLE MARKETING. Article marketing seems to be the latest rage and with good reason. It's by far the best free method of promoting your business and increasing your sales and opt in subscribers.

By submitting your articles to article directories, article announcement lists, and ezine publishers, you accomplish several things:

targetedYou establish yourself as an expert in your field. Readers are more likely to listen to you if they feel you know what you are talking about.

resourceBy attaching a resource box to your article, you are giving the reader a link to your website. If the reader is impressed with your knowledge, they will likely click on your link to see what it is that you are offering. This is true targeted web marketing at work.

E-ZINES. Contact e-zine owners that have your target readership and buy advertisements from them. Be sure to TEST a small run to see that the return on investment is sufficient to cover the costs involved. If you are purchasing an extended run of advertisements haggle with the e-zine owner for a discount on the price. This is a secret inside tip most people are not aware of, but can save you a considerable amount of money.

JOINT VENTURES. Contact online marketers looking for new products to sell. They often have large mailing lists with eager to buy customers. Normally they are willing to email their list with an offer for a good commission. This works particularly well with informational products such as ebooks and downloadable information. Again, it is a win-win situation. It can boost your income enormously in a very short period of time.

BUY TRAFFIC. This is probably the cheapest in terms of time and most expensive money wise. It gives a traffic boost normally within 30 days.

What are you buying?

You are buying traffic from expired domain names which the company selling the traffic has bought. They are domain names still registered on the search engines which are still getting a considerable amount of traffic. The previous domain name owners have either lost interest in the site or simply forgot to renew the registration.

This means that the traffic from the expired domain name is simply redirected to your website. This is usually high quality traffic as only websites with traffic such as you want is redirected to you. As always, a test run to see if this traffic is suitable for your website topic is highly recommended.

When you apply some of these techniques consistently over time you will find a rich source of targeted web traffic coming to your website. This, combined with quality products will ensure the success of your online business.


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