Saturday, December 23, 2006

Pop up Add Blockers

We all love to surf the Internet! That wonderful cyberspace of facts, ideas, and answers.

We turn to it daily when in need of some information.

Although we can't do without our trusty PCs and Macs, we can't stand the common annoyance of pop ups. These ridiculously random adds and websites pop up out of nowhere. I mean come on, we didn't even ask for them! What's the deal?

Pop-up ads or pop ups are a form of online advertising on the World Wide Web. They are intended to assist in increasing web site traffic or to capture email addresses.

A variation on the pop-up window is the pop-under advert. This opens a new browser window, behind the active window. Pop-unders are not in your face, but hide in the background. They are not seen until your current browser windows have been closed, making it more difficult to figure out which web site they came from.

Luckily we now have pop up add blockers! Whenever there is a problem, we work hard to create a solution, and pop up add blockers are certainly a solution we can all appreciate.

Do you hop online to find a product, or maybe just check your email? Don't you get frustrated when you can't even complete this one simple task?

Pop ups just keep coming. Every time you close one, two more open. Yikes!

Your first reaction may be to toss your PC out the window, but that isn't the most reasonable of solutions.

If you are able to type in the words, "pop up add blockers," then you can locate a solution to this travesty. No matter what search engine you use, all will give you results on pop up add blockers.

You can purchase software that will obliterate your pop up affliction, or some sites offer free downloads. Why pay when you don't have to. You can download a solution to those annoying pop up adds that often retard your net surfing. It's that simple.

Many browsers are designed these days with pop up add blockers. This is a must for any new computer you buy.

Being a Mac owner myself, my G4 Ibook came standard with the Safari browser, which has proven flawless. The Safari browser has the pop up add blocker option. I leave this on at all times. I have not once seen a pop up with this browser. I would assume that this feature works the same on PCs, because I know that it's available.

No matter which computer you prefer, pop ups are a thing of the past.

While pop up adds are definitely irksome, they also can leak spy ware and other garbage into your computer system.

The websites we view and emails we receive, leave us vulnerable to breeches. We do not want any of these corrupting our computer with a virus or slowing it down.

If you are having a problem with pop ups, jump online and you will surely find a solution fast. After all, the Internet should be a fun and fast place to surf, and it can be again with pop up add blockers.

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