Friday, December 15, 2006

Book Publishers

The best place to start when looking for book publishers is Writer's Market.

This book is published once a year, and has the most up-to-date information on book publishers, magazines publishers, and any other writing market you can imagine. They give you the most up-to-date information about what each publisher specializes in, who to contact, and how to format your manuscript to meet their specifications. If you skip this step, you are doing yourself a big disservice. You can also find Writer's Market online for even more current information.

Book publishers are often swamped with submissions. If you are a first time writer, you may want to find an agent to help get your manuscript a little attention. They have contacts with book publishers, and you never know whom they know, and who owes them a favor. Agents are skilled at selling your book, and at the very least, can get the right person to look at it. They can't guarantee they will get you published, but if you find a good agent, your chances increase dramatically.

Look around online for some help. There are free guides and information out there about finding and approaching book publishers. These tips may mean the difference between someone reading your submission, and someone tossing it in the rejected pile unread. These guides will help you craft a great cover letter as well as what information to include, and how to get an editors attention.

If you have struck out with traditional books publishers, you can try to publish your own novel. There are companies that help you with printing your book, but for the most part, marketing and distribution will rest solely on your shoulders. Take into consideration your skills in this area before you go this route. Beware of scams. There are some companies that will take your money and do little else. Before you sign up with any self-publishing company, do extensive research before you commit to anything.

Keep in mind that there are many websites that specialize in freelance jobs in the online world. Freelance jobs are often a good way to get your foot in the door to the publishing world.

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