Saturday, December 23, 2006

How To Create A Web Page

The Internet is probably our prime source of entertainment these days. I mean, come on, think about how much time you actually spend online. We download music, watch movies, send email, work, write, and frolic endlessly in cyberspace, you name it. Suddenly, the high is to know how to create a web page. Everyone seems to want their own website or page to post somewhere.

Are You Wondering How To Create A Web Page?

If you are the type of person who is wondering how to create a web page, chances are that you have not done any hands on type of web design, maybe none at all. Really, creating a web page can be easy or very difficult, depending on how ambitious you are and what you want to include.

Creating A Blog

If you are only after creating your own blog, then there is absolutely nothing to it. All you really have to do is to register with one of the many services set up to make blogging easy, such as,, or They will tell you step by step how to create a web page, but believe me, it is easy to do on one of these sites. The layout is already set up for you, the page is basic and functional, and no programming knowledge is required.

If you are after something that is a little more fancy and hands on, than more effort is required. You can register a domain, for example, which will cost a few dollars. That way, you get to chose what name your website goes by, and set it up the way you like.

Point and Click Software

Once you do that, you can set out to learn html, however this will take you some time. A shortcut is to use software that is basically 'see and click' or what is referred to as "What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get".

There are several different types you can use and are especially useful for people who do not know much about how to create a web page, but want to do something customized on their own.

There our some really good page generating programs out there that are easy to use. Here is a free one that I use myself. This one is basically to create a websites with income potential from Adsense and affiliate sales.

Another great "point and click" software is what I call Web Design Made Simple. This is another software program I use on a daily basis and is excellent for both beginner and pro.

Some programs you may run into that are labeled "point and click" are sometimes offered with a web hosting service so no extra out of pocket expense is required other than your hosting fee. However, if you don't want to depend on a service and want something on your own desktop you may want to try out several other good html editors, namely Frontpage or Dreamweaver.

Going From Clueless to Selling Websites for Profit

I have always loved Frontpage and starting using it long before I became a web master. I actually went from not having a clue about how to create a web page to selling websites for profit. (right here on WebBizDeals)

My first introduction to Frontpage was using it to do my ads for eBay. Remember, I had no knowledge of html at this time. I used the software for about a year and without realizing it had learned how to create a web page, websites, and yes, I had learned html without knowing it. I have heard many other people say the very same thing. I then had people offering me money to create websites and that is when I knew I was now a webmaster. I went on to sell hundreds of websites on eBay.

Another great program I use occasionally is Dreamweaver. It is also very much like FrontPage and very easy to use.

Of course, learning one of these programs will take more effort than just pasting your text up on a blog, but if you want to know how to create a web page instead of using some prefabricated template, there is no better solution.

Personal Space

If you desire your own personal space for others to review and comment, no problem, it's available. Everyone is taking advantage of this goldmine of freedom and space that comes without a price tag, and the best thing is, it is infinite. It literally can't run out.

Internet sites such as and will aid you in your journey to a personal web page. You can actually create web pages in minutes. Other sites like are ruled by millions of random people, just looking for a place to post pictures and info about their selves and families. It is a good way to communicate and share on a public site without the hassle of monthly fees.

Although these personal web pages have become so popular, there are measures to take when diving into cyberspace. We have to remember that once we create a web page and post information on these public sites, our lives can be viewed by millions, and we may not always like who's viewing. It is always good to be careful as to what you post for the world to see.

1 comment:

SaTiSh said...

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